Social responsability

We are hope through the Coffee

We are an association of growers, producers and lovers of premium organic coffee, with a strong social and environmental conscience and commitment, we want to contribute to peace in Colombia, improving the living conditions of families and people victims of violence, promoting a culture of peace, solidarity and environmental and social sustainability.

Through coffee growers association networks, coffee is commercialized for the sustenance of vulnerable communities and populations, while promoting a culture of peace, solidarity, and environmental and social sustainability.

Goodhope Colombia
Social responsability
Coffee and woman program

How you can Help

With the purchase of our high quality coffee, you benefit hundreds of producers and families from areas that have been subject to social and armed violence.

For every pound sold we donated a dollar to the non-profit organization “Corporación Trabajadores por la Tierra -Corpotratierra”, to develop psychosocial and legal assistance programs.

With your generous help, you not only contribute to the livelihoods of many low-income families and vulnerable populations affected by the violence, but also contribute to the peace process in Colombia and environmental sustainability.

You can help us in any of the following ways

Colombian coffee

Buying our coffee

Buying some of our coffee selected products.


Recommending us

Recommending our products to family, friends and acquaintances.

Farmed to help

Following us

Following us on social networks, like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.